Working Papers
Rural-Urban Migration and Market Integration
with Dennis Egger (Oxford), Benjamin Faber (UC Berkeley), and Ming Li (CUHKSZ)
Effects of Referring Business Partners on Firm Networks and Performance
with Jing Cai (Maryland) and Adam Szeidl (CEU)
Misspecified Learning in Technology Adoption: Experimental Evidence From Fertilizer Use in China
with Binkai Chen (CUFE) and Ao Wang (NUS)
Labor Market Integration and Entrepreneurship
with Hanming Fang (Upenn) and Ming Li (CUHKSZ) (draft available upon request)
Work in Progress
Effects of E-commerce on Suppliers and Clients (RCT intervention and data collection complete)
with Jing Cai (Maryland) and Adam Szeidl (CEU)
The Gains from Online Integration: Theory and Evidence from China
with Benjamin Faber (UC Berkeley), Victor Couture (UBC), Cecile Gaubert (UC Berkeley), Yizhen Gu (PKU), and Ming Li (CUHKSZ)
Using Social Learning to Tackle Inappropriate Use of Technologies (Network data collection complete)
The Long Run Impacts of Land Endowment and Market Formation on Labor and Education Misallocation
with Qianmiao (Michelle) Chen (World Bank) and Shaoda Wang (UChicago)
The Causal Impact of Economics Education on Decision-making: Evidence from A Natural Experiment in China
with Binkai Chen (CUFE) and Ao Wang (NUS). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2021), 188, pp.1124-1143.
Policy Work/Pre-Doctoral Publications:
Does the Implementation of Reference Pricing Result in Reduced Utilization? Evidence from Inpatient and Outpatient Procedures (with Holly Elser, Ralph A. Catalano, and Timothy Brown). Medical Care Research and Review (2020), p.1077558720971117.
Residential electricity consumption after the reform of tiered pricing for household electricity in China (with Gang Du, Chuanwang Sun, and Dingzhong Zhang). Applied Energy (2015), 157, pp.276-283.
The Incentive for Firms' Innovation: Evidence from China's Rising Labor Cost, Management World (管理世界) (2013), (10), 95-105, 2013.